Learning Vietnamese for foreigners – the 3 best approaches

Learn Vietnamese with Tieng Viet Oi

Learning Vietnamese for foreigners can seem like a daunting task, but with the right resources and approach, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. There are many ways to learn the language, and the best method for you will depend on your learning style and goals.

Learning Vietnamese for foreigners

Learning Vietnamese for foreigners


Learning Vietnamese for foreigners

One of the most effective ways to learn Vietnamese is through immersion. This can mean living in a Vietnamese-speaking country and immersing yourself in the culture and language, or taking a course that offers immersion-style learning. This method is particularly useful for learning to speak and understand the language quickly.


Online resources

Another great way to learn Vietnamese is through online resources. There are many websites, apps, and online courses that can help you learn the language at your own pace. Some popular options include Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, and Babbel. These resources offer interactive lessons and exercises that can help you build your vocabulary and grammar.


Face-to-face interaction

If you prefer a more structured approach, you can also take a traditional class or hire a private tutor. These options allow you to have face-to-face interaction with a teacher, which can be beneficial for getting feedback and asking questions.

Learning Vietnamese for foreigners
Learning Vietnamese for foreigners

Listening to Vietnamese music

You can also supplement your learning by listening to Vietnamese music, watching Vietnamese films and TV shows, and reading Vietnamese literature. This will help you develop your listening and comprehension skills, and get familiar with the culture and customs.


In conclusion, learning Vietnamese for foreigners is definitely achievable. It is important to find the right learning style for you and to be consistent with your practice. Whether you’re planning a trip to Vietnam, or just interested in learning a new language, Vietnamese is a great choice.

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